“Predicting rain doesn’t count. Build arks does.”
― Warren Buffett.

I’m not gonna sugar coat it: if there’s rain, wind and cold altogether, life is hard. And it can get veeery hard if it happens when you are on your bike…
The Netherlands brings this, plus an incredible shortage of sunlight during autumn and winter: waking up at 7:30am and seeing a pitch black sky, seriously?!
Going out of your office at 5pm looks like dinner time!
How do our body and mind react to the demanding weather and nature in the Netherlands?
How difficult is for somebody coming from a southern country?
What can we learn from the other animals and the plants?
What is a “cold” and what do to to prevent it?
How difficult is for somebody coming from a southern country?
What can we learn from the other animals and the plants?
What is a “cold” and what do to to prevent it?
And first of all, how can we endure days and days of grey sky?
We will answer these questions and many more in a very cozy environment.
Playing and discussing, we will learn the therapies and the practical tricks to use during autumn and winter to overcome any seasonal negative influence.
Wear comfortable clothes and be ready to sit on the floor!
Let’s enjoy the weather when a cup of tea sounds better than a walk on the beach!
Let’s enjoy the weather when a cup of tea sounds better than a walk on the beach!
When: 07/11/2014, h. 17.00-19.00
Location: Nassauplein 15, 2585 EB Den Haag
(doorbell Daesch, second floor)
(doorbell Daesch, second floor)
Language: English.
Cost: € 12,50 per person (incl. thee, coffee and cookies).
Reimbursement is possible only if the workshop is cancelled.
Min. 6 participants.
Reservation Is Necessary
Reservation Is Necessary
How to book? Check further in the page.

Share your participation on Facebook!
Program and main topics:
* What is ecopsychology
* Seasonal and weather influences
* Surviving Dutch Weather
* Learn playing quiz!
* Plus 4 individual, couple and group activities!

Reservation Is Necessary
How to book:
1. Transfer the price of the workshop on the following bank account before 01/10/2015 quoting invoice “Surviving Dutch Weather”.
Benino Argentieri
NL78 INGB 0679 7289 29
2. Send me an email with your IBAN, name, surname and address: therefore I can confirm your transfer and send you the invoice.
Benino Argentieri
NL78 INGB 0679 7289 29
2. Send me an email with your IBAN, name, surname and address: therefore I can confirm your transfer and send you the invoice.